這網址裡面的歌是? - 手錶

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2011-01-09T00:00

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這網址裡面的歌是 ?
Tags: 手錶

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Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2011-01-12T07:01

演唱:Utada Hikaru (宇多田光)
歌名:Apple and Cinnamon
專輯:This Is The One (2009)
Tell me what is on your mind
Help me because I'd like to know
What the hell is going on
Never thought I'd sing this song
Lets not get started with
The he said she said
Sometimes it just doesn't go as planned (x2)
Started out so simple and innocent
So simple and innocent (x3)
Chemistry like apple and cinnamon
Like apple and cinnamon (x3)
I can't believe that you and me were falling out of love
And everybody used to be so envious of us
Chemistry like apple and cinnamon
What we had was just to good, good to last
Happiness don't last that long
What we had was beautiful
Lets not get started with
The he said she said
Sometimes it just doesn't go as planned (x2)
Started out so simple and innocent
So simple and innocent (x3)
Chemistry like apple and cinnamon
Like apple and cinnamon (x3)
I can't believe that you and me were falling out of love
And everybody used to be so envious of us
Chemistry like apple and cinnamon
What we had was just to good, good to last
Please don't look at me like that
Please don't look at me, don't look at me like that
You can't look at me like that
Please don't look at me, don't look at me like that
I can't believe that you and me were falling out of love
And everybody used to be so envious of us
Chemistry like apple and cinnamon
What we had was just to good
Started out so simple and innocent
So simple and innocent(x3)
Chemistry like apple and cinnamon
Like apple and cinnamon (x3)
I can't believe that you and me were falling out of love
And everybody used to be so envious of us
Chemistry like apple and cinnamon
What we had was just to good, good to last
2011-01-13 20:11:03 補充:
版主這首應該是您找的! 怎麼又延長發問呢?


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2011-01-09T00:00
4:05後的那首...應該是英文= =
拜託一些門路比較廣的大大幫忙一�� ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2011-01-09T00:00
2010/11/27(六),我加班中午外出用餐返回公司途中,我騎機車直行,和我同向直行的汽車突然右轉,他有打方向燈, ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2011-01-08T00:00
小弟剛轉型不同的風格出門都是合身襯衫或T恤+窄管褲+帆船鞋或雷根鞋最近天氣冷買了一件短版雙排扣大衣手錶是 ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-01-08T00:00
還是就會買專門做錶的牌� ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2011-01-08T00:00