英文達人請幫我翻譯10點 - 手錶

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2013-12-20T00:00

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Montres Omax S.A. was formed in 1946 with an aim of becoming one of the leading watch companies in the world. At one time Omax was the largest exported watch by volume from Switzerland.
Over the years Omax has grown successfully and expanded and now has its presence in 5 continents and 75 countries and is still expanding. Omax is a high quality watch with high volume sales. Omax is a registered Trademark across the world. Omax watches are water resistant with movements made 100% in Japan .
Omax is a company with high values and believes in integrity, honesty, service. All our clients are like a family to us. We believe in giving best of the product at best of the price.
We have recently launched these watches in India. Omax has its collection of more than 2500 models worldwide and has launched exclusive All Stainless Steel series in India. Not only this, Omax has also launched its Super Fiber Series with 30 models, which would not pinch your pocket. These watches are priced just right for yourself, your family members, parents and "Special Friends". These would be an ideal gift for your loved and dear ones.
Since inception in Switzerland in 1946, Montres Omax SA, now sells over 1 million pieces a month in 66 countries in all five continents. Omax Watches come with a four-year battery life using movements with 100% Best Quality.
Every month, more than 50 models are added to the range of several thousand to keep pace with ever-changing global tastes and trends. Omax is dedicated to provide the Best Possible Product at the Best Possible Price without Compromising on Quality.
Every Omax watch goes through stringent quality tests. All our watches are handsomely styled, with broad price range to choose from.
Tags: 手錶

All Comments

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2013-12-22T10:34
Montres Omax S.A.創立於1946,是一家以成為世界上領導品牌之一的手錶公司。
最近我們在印度也有發行,當中包含了全世界超過2500種的款式,和獨賣於印度的All Stainless Steel系列。不只如此,還有30種款式的Super Fiber 系列,您的荷包絕對不能吝嗇! 這些錶的價錢,對您、您的家人、父母、"特別的人"來說絕對值得,它們絕對是送給所愛、親愛的她(他)的理想禮物。
1946年於瑞士發跡後,Montres Omax SA現在每個月在5洲66國都賣出超過1百萬件產品。Omax Watches使用了壽命可達4年的電池,其零件更是100%最高品質!
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2013-12-23T01:29
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2013-12-23T07:13
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2013-12-21T06:23
還是要去 http://aaashops.com/ 品質不錯,老婆很喜歡!
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2013-12-24T21:45
請別把YK+當作翻譯社來用, 超過5行就違反版規了.
花心血翻譯卻可能被移除, 只有翻譯機會來應付您.


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2013-12-20T00:00
近期我車禍.....因右前方有一台遊覽車停在機車道所以我騎汽車快車道!就在我看到遊覽車時她旁邊剛好有停一台機 ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2013-12-19T00:00
如果遇到維修問題(有保固卡一年)是到任何全省的專櫃就能維修嗎還是哪裡買就哪裡修?還有...現在左營新光三 ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2013-12-18T00:00
下雨天我是騎在汽車道要左轉到別條路所以我騎在最左邊公車那時停在公車停靠站有打方向燈我車速50左右看到他� ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2013-12-18T00:00
12/16晚上9點多的時候,下雨且天色昏暗,機車(我)車速不超過40,有戴安全帽,未講手機,馬路上突然有行人穿� ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2013-12-17T00:00