求轉學考英文答案 - 手錶

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2008-07-23T00:00

Table of Contents

寫好了 沒答案orz
請幫我吧~可以的話 順便說明一下 謝謝
11.It’s hot here. I have to ____ my coat.
A. put out B. put off C. put on D. take off
12.Seoul is the ____ of South Korea.
A. county B. town C. capital D. village
13. A: I don’t like him.
B: Me ____.
A. too B. either C. also D. neither
14. David looks very happy today because his wife has just ____ birth to a baby girl.
A. given B. made C. gotten D. born
15. The cut on my finger is very ____.
A. painful B. bored C. alive D. comfortable
16.Jane is a very shy person. She ____ talks to others first.
A. never B. hates C. usually D. always
17.It was really ____ when the clerk told me the one-thousand-dollar bill was fake money.
A. illegal B. embarrassing C. exciting D. impressed
18.The tapes goes so fast that I can ____ catch up with it.
A. almost B. hardly C. nearly D. probably
19.The pear tree did not produce fruit last year, and ____ the apple tree.
A. either did B. either didn’t C. so did D. neither did
20.Miss Lu is not a friendly person. She always looks at others ____.
A. lazily B. coldly C. nicely D. foolishly
21.Please give me one more ____. I believe I won’t disappoint you.
A. life B. opportunity C. personality D. change
22.It is time to watch the news. Would you mind ____ the TV?
A. me to open B. me to turn on C. me opening D. my turning on
23.John is familiar with New York because he has ____ the city many times.
A. gone to B. went to C. been to D. visited to
24.The newspaper said the new Airbus A380 can seat 800 ____.
A. passengers B. photographs C. kilograms D. kilometers
25.Betty ____ her old high-school boyfriend at the shopping mall yesterday.
A. headed for B. made up C. ran into D. gave in
Tags: 手錶

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Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2008-07-23T08:16
11.It’s hot here. I have to ____ my coat.
A. put out 熄滅B. put off 延期C. put on穿上 D. take off 脫掉
12.Seoul is the ____ of South Korea.
A. county 縣B. town城鎮 C. capital 首都D. village村
13. A: I don’t like him.
B: Me ____.
A. too B. either C. also D. neither國中文法 也
14. David looks very happy today because his wife has just ____ birth to a baby girl.
A. given B. made C. gotten D. born
15. The cut on my finger is very ____.
A. painful 痛B. bored無聊 C. alive 活生生D. comfortable舒服
16.Jane is a very shy person. She ____ talks to others first.
A. never B. hates C. usually D. always
17.It was really ____ when the clerk told me the one-thousand-dollar bill was fake money.
A. illegal違法的 B. embarrassing尷尬的 C. exciting 刺激的D. impressed印象深刻的
18.The tapes goes so fast that I can ____ catch up with it.
A. almost B. hardly 幾乎不C. nearly 幾乎D. probably可能的
19.The pear tree did not produce fruit last year, and ____ the apple tree.
A. either did B. either didn’t C. so did D. neither did
20.Miss Lu is not a friendly person. She always looks at others ____.
A. lazily懶地 B. coldly冷酷地 C. nicely D. foolishly愚笨地
21.Please give me one more ____. I believe I won’t disappoint you.
A. life B. opportunity 機會C. personality個性 D. change
22.It is time to watch the news. Would you mind 加名詞 the TV?
A. me to open B. me to turn on C. me opening D. my turning on
23.John is familiar with New York because he has ____ the city many times.
A. gone to B. went to C. been to D. visited to
24.The newspaper said the new Airbus A380 can seat 800 ____.
A. passengers乘客 B. photographs C. kilograms D. kilometers 公里
25.Betty ____ her old high-school boyfriend at the shopping mall yesterday.
A. headed for前往 B. made up化妝 C. ran into 遇見D. gave in
2008-07-24 23:40:04 補充:
沒看清楚= =
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2008-07-26T18:43
但是 解答者 第 14題
A 片語 是 give birth to


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2008-07-22T00:00


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2008-07-22T00:00
他說的發射火箭(或太空船) ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2008-07-22T00:00
所以我想讓她有一個� ...


William avatar
By William
at 2008-07-22T00:00
不要網路上買太恐怖了= =
http://tw.f5.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/e2440 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2008-07-22T00:00
我都沒拿出來過,從買來就將電池一直放�� ...