想問一首歌名 - 手錶

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-04-07T00:00

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聽起來好像是唱英文但...不太清楚= ˇ =
Tags: 手錶

All Comments

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-04-10T06:58

您好 這首歌資訊參考如下: 歌手: 睡蓮 歌名:浸透して ver.2.0(Shintou Shite) 專輯: THE DAWN ( ( 2009年)
This is gonna be a warning,
I wish you could stop complaing a long time ago.
Now I will go where ever
I want to get my right place in my life
I am ready to fight
Every memory I remembered
communicated with each other in my world.
But something or someone
scheme to lead me somewhere wrong.
I have to have strong mind and soul
I will not be a fake to you, I swear
I'll never be a fake to people who I love
I'll never show you the real if you make me hate you
I can't be a fake to myself
This is gonna be a last chance,
all those your excuses are not working... anymore
Every memory I remembered
communicated with each other in my world
But something or someone
scheme to lead me, somewhere wrong.
I have to have strong mind and soul
I will not be a fake to you, I swear
I'll never be a fake to people who I love
I'll never show you the real if you make me hate you
I can't be a fake to myself....


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2011-04-07T00:00
我在苓雅路與文橫路十字路口與綠燈左轉者擦撞他沒有打方向燈又突然左轉但他卻堅持說他沒有錯可以左轉當時我 ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2011-04-06T00:00
各位專家你好我父親發生車禍至今已4個月了對方當天只做筆錄完就再也沒出現過打電話給他們一下說沒這個人一�� ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2011-04-06T00:00
有一段時間了 盒子和保證書好像翻不到


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2011-04-06T00:00
Rolex cellini 手錶 5115-8 5116-8 黃K?
Rolex cellini 手錶 5115-9 5116-9 白K?


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2011-04-05T00:00
我在2月份出車禍...對方都一直不出面前幾天只打了2.3通電話!!到現在一個半月過去了...現在交通事故初步分析研判 ...