幫幫忙~~急徵50句英文簡易問答 - 手錶

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2008-12-18T00:00

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例如:What's your name?〈My name is Tom.〉
How old are you?〈I'm 100 years old.〉
Tags: 手錶

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Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2008-12-22T11:43
1. How are you today? I am fine.
2. How’s the weather today? It’s sunny.
3. How do you go to school? I go to school on foot.
4. How old are you? I am 17.
5. How many people are there in your family? There are five.
6. How many students are there in your class? There are 50.
7. How often do you go to the movies? I go to the movies once a week.
8. How long does it take to go to school? It takes me 15 minutes on foot.
9. How far is it from here to your school? It is 2 kilometers.
10. How many apples are there in the box? There are five.
11. How much is your bicycle? It is 2000 dollars.
12. How do you think your teacher? She is very kind and beautiful.
13. How does your father go to work? He goes to work by car.
14. What time do you get up? I get up at 7:00.
15. What time do you go to school? I go to school at 7:30.
16. What time do you go home? I go home at 5:00.
17. What time do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00.
18. What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at 11:00.
19. What time does your father go to work? He goes to work at 7:00.
20. What’s your name? My name is XXX.
21. What is your father? He is a teacher.
22. What will you do on the weekend? I will go to the movies with my friends.
23. What is your favorite fruit? My favorite is apple.
24. What is your favorite color? My favorite color is yellow.
25. What’s your favorite subject? My favorite is English.
26. When did you visit your grandparents? I visited my grandparents last Sunday.
27. When will you have an English test? I will have an English test next Monday.
28. What’s your new teacher’s name? Her name is Lisa.
29. Who is that boy standing there? He is my brother.
30. Who is the letter from? It is from my aunt.
2008-12-18 19:43:23 補充:
31.Whose is this book? It is Mary’s.
32.Which color is better for this bicycle, red or yellow? I think yellow is better.
33.Why do you go to school on foot? Because school is bear my home.
2008-12-18 19:43:44 補充:
34.Why didn’t you come to school yesterday? Because I was sick.
35.Why did your father go to Taipei last Wednesday? He went to Taipei to visit a friend.
36.How much money did you get last New Year? I got 5000 dollars.
2008-12-18 19:44:04 補充:
37.Where are you from? I am Taiwan.
38.Where do you live? I live in Taipei.
39.Where are you going now? I am going to the department store.
40.What do you want to buy? I want to buy a pair of shoes.
2008-12-18 19:44:55 補充:
41.Who will go with you? My mother will go with you.
42.What is your favorite sport? My favorite sport is baseball.
43.What’s your favorite baseball team? Yankee is my favorite team.
2008-12-18 19:45:19 補充:
44.How often do you watch the baseball match? I watch the baseball match every Sunday.
45.Do you like comic books? Yes, I like them very much.
46.Does your mother cook dinner every day? Yes, she cooks dinner every day.
2008-12-18 19:45:39 補充:
47.Do you watch TV every day? No, I watch TV three days a week.
48.Have you been to America? No, I never go to America.
49.Which country have you been there? I have been to Japan and Korea.
50.Do you have any foreign friends? Yes, I have a Japanese pen pal.
2008-12-18 19:45:59 補充:
51.Can you describe yourself? I am an optimistic person.
52.Can you describe your father? He is tall and thin.
53.Are you a student? Yes, I am a student.
54.Is he your sister? No, she is not my sister. She is my classmate.
55.Are they good students? Yes, they are good students?
2008-12-18 19:46:19 補充:
56.What grade are you in? I am in grade 6.
57.What day is today? Today is Thursday.
58.What date is today? Today is December 18th.
59.What time is it? It’s 5 o’clock.
60.When is your birthday? My birthday is on May 5th.
2008-12-18 19:46:38 補充:
61.What color is your new T-shirt? It’s blue.
62.What's your phone number? My phone number is 22221111.
63.How do you spell apple? A-P-P-L-E.
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2008-12-21T06:26

What grade are you in? <I'm in grade 8.>
你幾年級? <我是8年級>

What time is it now? <It's 8 o clock.>
現在幾點? <現在是8點>

When is your birthday? <My birthday is on Sunday.>
你的生日是什麼時候? <我的生日是這個星期天>
What day is today? <Today is Friday December 31.>
今天是幾日? <今天是12月31號星期5>
Where did you live? <I live at Coquitlam.>
你住在哪裡? <我住在溫哥華>
Where is Taipei? <Taipei is in Taiwan.>
台北在哪裡? <台北在台灣>

What color is my pants? <Your pants is orange.>
我的褲子是什麼顏色? <你的褲子是橘色>
What is your favorite flower? <My favorite flower is tulip.>
你最喜歡什麼花? <我最喜歡鬱金香>

What color do you like? <I like green.>
你喜歡什麼顏色? <我喜歡綠色>
Where did you found my shoes? <I found it in your bedroom.>
你在哪裡找到我的鞋子? <我在你的房間找到的>



Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2008-12-18T00:00
如題,已於今年四月法院判決離婚並判賠賞,但當初結婚時包含結婚戒指,勞力士手錶,金飾(是由女方贈與)在婚後交由岳母保管.現在離婚後向前岳母索取卻� ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-12-18T00:00
請大家給 ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-12-17T00:00
這樣我還買的 ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2008-12-17T00:00
2.要注意那些事情阿? ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2008-12-17T00:00
聖誕節快到了,可是我根本還不太了解他喜歡什麼東西,也不想直接問他,因為我不想讓他知道我�� ...