以使役/感官動詞合併句子 - 手錶

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2009-04-16T00:00

Table of Contents

1.I saw something.
A homeless man fed the ducks some bread.
→I saw_____.
2.Cole helped me.
I cleaned up the mess after the wild party.
→Cole helped me_____.
3.The doctor made the patient do something.
The patient stayed in bed for a week.
→The doctor made the patient_____.
4.Denny heard something before he want to bed.
Someone was knocking on the door.
5.Jenny felt something.
Someone touched her back.
→Jenny felt_____.
6.She looked at the clown.
The clown was walking on his hands.
→She looked at the clown_____.
7.I had the painter do something.
The painter painted the whole building.
→I had the printer_____.
8.Freda's parents let her do something.
She handed her own pocket money.
→Freda's parents let her_____.
9.I saw a policeman.
He was running after a thief.
→I saw a policeman_____.
10.The teacher made Anna do something.
Anna worked in a group.
→Anna_____by the teacher.
11.Mr. Watson doesn't let his son do something.
His son can't ride his motorcycle without his permission.
→Mr.Waston doesn't let his son_____.
12.My boss made me do something.
I worked overtime.
→My boss made me_____.
13.Let's do something.
We will stop at the service station to buy some drinks.
→Let's_____to buy some drinks.
14.My mother had me do something.
I did the laundry for the family.
→My mother had me_____.
15.I could hear something.
A girl was crying loudly.
→I could hear_____.
16.Mrs.Lewis had Johnny do something.
Her car was fixed by Johnny.
→Mrs.Lewis had Johnny_____.
17.The security guard watched something going on.
The movers were movingout furniture from a house
→The security guard watched_____.
18.Did you see it?
A beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky this afternoon.
→Did you see_____?
19.Harris had the barber do something.
The barber cut his hair.
20.Aieen made an apple pie.
I helped Aileen.
→I helped_____.
Tags: 手錶

All Comments

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-04-20T14:39
1. I saw the homeless man feeding the ducks some bread.
2. Cole helped me clean up the mess after the wild party.
3. The doctor made the patient stay in bed for a week.
4. Denny heard someone knocking on the door before he went to bed.
5.Jenny felt someone touching her back.
6. She looked at the clown walking on his hands.
7. I had the painter paint the whole building.
8. Freda's mom let her handle her own pocket money. (我想原文應該是handled 不是 handed)
9. I saw a policeman running after a thief.
10. The teacher made Anna work in a group.
2009-04-17 01:06:56 補充:
11. Mr. Watson doesn't let son ride his motorcycle without his permission.
12. My boss made me work overtime.
13. Let's stop at the service station to buy some drinks.
14. My mother had me do the laundry for the family.
15. I could hear a girl crying loudly.
2009-04-17 01:07:10 補充:
16. Mrs. Lewis had Johnny fix her car.
17. The security guard watched the movers moving out furniture from a house.
18. Did you see a beautiful rainbow appear in the sky this afternoon?
19. Harris had the barber cut his hair.
20. I helped Aileen make an apple pie.
2009-04-17 01:07:19 補充:
以後做類似題目記得, 使役動詞後面的動詞要用原型. (help 後面的動詞 to 可加可不加.)
感官動詞後面的動詞加原型動詞強調事實, 加現在分詞(V-ing)則強調看到時, 事情正在發生.
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2009-04-17T22:52
→I saw a homeless man fed the ducks some bread.
→Cole helped me cleaned up the mess after the wild party.
→The doctor made the patient stayed in bed for a week.
Denny heard someone was knocking the door before he went to bed.
→Jenny felt someone touched her back
→She looked at the clown walking on his hands.
→I had the printer painted the whole building.
→Freda's parents let her handled her own pocket money.
→I saw a policeman running after a thief.
→Anna worked in a group by the teacher./The teacher made Anna worked in a group.
→Mr.Waston doesn't let his son ride his motorcycle without his permission.
→My boss made me worked overtime.
→Let's stop at the service station to buy some drinks.
→My mother had me did the laundry for the family.
→I could hear a girl crying loudly
→Mrs.Lewis had Johnny fixed her car.
→The security guard watched the movers moving out furniture from a house.
→Did you see a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky this afternoon?
→Harris had the barber to cut his hair
→I helped Aileen made an apple pie


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2009-04-16T00:00
98年4月16日下午大概4點50撥放的一首英文歌 很好聽 想知道歌名


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2009-04-16T00:00
不論 ETA or 其他and#34;副廠and#34;機芯...
又不想花太� ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2009-04-16T00:00
上面有� ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-04-15T00:00
我想請問下面的錶為什麼會便宜那麼多http://tw.f5.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/e296349...現在一般范倫鐵諾的錶價位在多少� ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2009-04-15T00:00
Causeyouand#39;resweeterthanapplepie請問一下這一句的意思ColbyOand#39;Donis-WhatYouGot這一首歌的意思大略就好但上面那一句再� ...