麻煩幫我找影片中的歌名謝謝~ - 手錶

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2013-03-20T00:00

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請求高手解答 感恩~
Tags: 手錶

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Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2013-03-22T22:23
Bad Boy Bill feat. Johanna Phraze - Headlock
請自行上you tube確認囉:)
I got my got my black boots on
Got my candy apple lip gloss
And white tank top
Let's get this party going daddy
Take your clothes off
Here comes the kitty prissy dreadlock
Put you in a headlock
Rock your body til you pop lock
And drop you like a hot rock
Let's get this party going
Let's get this party going
Let's get this party going
Let's get this party going
I got my got my black boots on
Got my candy apple lip gloss
And white tank top
Let's get this party going daddy
Take your clothes off
Here comes the kitty prissy dreadlock
Put you in a headlock
Rock your body til you pop lock
And drop you like a hot rock
So c'mon follow me
And baby what you got to offer
If I'm gonna break you off
Then we're gonna do it proper
Let's get this party going daddy
Take your clothes off
Here comes the kitty prissy dreadlock
Put you in a headlock
Rock your body til you pop lock
And drop you like a hot rock
Let's get this party going
I got my got my black boots on
Got my candy apple lip gloss
And white tank top
Let's get this party going daddy
Take your clothes off
Here comes the kitty prissy dreadlock
Put you in a headlock
Rock your body til you pop lock
And drop you like a hot rock


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2013-03-19T00:00
我家的尊爵爵士酒桶鑽錶-藍 型號:JSDM200308-L NO-J09180 973 2007年買的 當初買好像兩三萬塊 不常帶 常常停了再上發條 結果 有一天 發條斷掉了
拿�� ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2013-03-19T00:00
幾個月前買了一之ck手錶好像大概6.7k,最近上面有一點髒污,很小看不太到,想說如果要換玻璃的話不知道多少,於是�� ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2013-03-19T00:00
讓她知道我很愛她andlt;3 ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2013-03-18T00:00
小弟最近想買一支手錶,因為我比較喜歡簡單又輕薄的設計,所以一直都買電池動能的手表(比較能找到輕薄的)最近想說買一支比較有質感的手表所以在看� ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2013-03-17T00:00
請問如何跟女生告白 不一樣的情況!!!
這個女生是我小學同學 上高中後突然聯絡上他因此幾乎每天都在聊天
突然有一天他跟我說他跟她男朋友分�� ...