請英文高手幫我翻譯(不要電腦翻的那種) - 手錶

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2011-03-18T00:00

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After getting tons of letters from customers describing how their favorite ice cream flavors related to their moods (including one from an entire sorority that named the brand as its “breakup ice brand of choice”). Ben & Jerry’s is launch a line of flavors called Mood Magic, featuring new flavors like Chocolate Therapy, Apple-Ever After, and The Last Straw. Researchers in recent years have begun to stress the significance of emotional response as a central aspect of an attitude. According to the experiential hierarchy of effects, consumers act on the basis of their emotional reactions. Terri just enjoys watching the tube with her friends, regardless of what is on.The experiential perspective highlights the idea that attitudes can be strongly influenced by intangible product attributes, such as package design, and by consumers’ reactions toward accompanying stimuli, such as advertising, brand names, and the nature of the setting in which the experience occurs.As we discussed in Chapter 4, resulting attitudes will be affected by consumer’s hedonic motivation, such as how the product makes them feel or the fun it will provide. Even the emotions the communicator expresses have an impact. A smile is infectious; in a process we term emotional contagion, message happy people deliver enhance our attitude toward the products. Numerous studies indicate that the mood a person is in when exposed to a marketing message influences how the ad is processed, the likelihood that the information presented will be remembered, and how the person will feel about the advertised item and related products in the future.One important debate about the experiential hierarchy concerns the independence of cognition and affect. On the one hand, the cognitive-affective model argues that an affective judgment is but the last step in a series of cognitive processes.
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Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-03-20T09:23
在收到顧客形容他們最喜歡的冰淇淋口味和心情之間關係的信件之後(信件裡包含了一整個婦女聯誼會他們命名那牌子為"分手的首選冰品牌")。Ben 和 Jerry 發起了一系列的口味他們稱之為-心情魔法,這新口味的特色像有療傷巧克力(Chocolate Therapy),從不在最後的蘋果 (Apple-Ever After),和最後一根稻草(The Last Straw)。這幾年研究人員開始強調感情的回應態度在一個中心的觀點。根據不同層次的經驗影響,消費者的行為反應建立在他們情緒情感上。Terri 享受跟他的朋友一起看電視,不管正在演甚麼。這經驗的觀點提醒出了態度可以被產品無形的特質所影響,可以是包裝的設計,廣告,商品名子和擺設給於消費者的刺激。正如我們再第四章結論出態度將會被消費者的快樂積極而影響,如: 產品如何影響他們的感覺或提供給他們的樂趣。即使是表達情感的溝通上也有作用。一個微笑是會傳染的。在這過程中我們稱之為情緒感染,快樂的人給予增加了我們對於產品的態度。許多研究表明一個行銷的廣告可以讓人的情緒進入,他們將會記住這些展現出來的訊息然後在未來他將會對於這產品的感受比較於其它類似的產品。一個重要的辯論關於經驗層次涉及到了獨立知識和作用。一方面,感情認知爭論認知的判斷是正確的除了最後一步的認知過程。
大概就這樣 希望有幫助到你 =]((很努力翻譯喔 可是還是對不起有些地方沒有很順=[ ))

2011-03-21 07:19:44 補充:
中間有段字特別大 是因為電腦有點怪怪 不是甚麼特殊原因 抱歉 -W-


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2011-03-17T00:00
我在2月25半夜12點57分時.載著我乾弟回家時被一個要轉彎的汽車撞到.2個人都骨折我是鼻樑斷掉.大腿骨折.骨盆破裂 ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2011-03-17T00:00
有一套維修工具是屬於師傅級作的那新手是否就不適合購買�� ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2011-03-16T00:00


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-03-16T00:00
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Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2011-03-16T00:00