請幫我中翻英一些有關運動的單字.謝謝! - 手錶

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2005-11-03T00:00

Table of Contents

灌籃. 仰式. 蝶式. 游泳圈. 投籃. 防守. 運球. 傳球 . 進攻. 籃板.
蛙式. 自由式. 狗爬式. 泳衣.
Tags: 手錶

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Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2005-11-03T09:17
灌籃 = slamdunk
投籃 = shooting a ball
防守 = defense
運球 = dribbling
傳球 = passing a ball
進攻 = attacking
籃板 = backboard
行進間投球 = running shot
勾手投球 = hook shot
跨步停 = stride stop
雙手跳投 = two-hand jump shot
胸前傳球 = chest pass
接球 = catch
罰球線 = free throw line
罰球區 = free throw lane
三分線 = three-point line
禁區 = restricted lane
跳球圈 = restricting circle
左前鋒 = left forward
右前鋒 = right forward
中鋒 = center
左後衛 =left guard
右後衛 = right guard
裁判 = referee
計時員 = timekeeper
秒錶員 = clock operator
記分員 = scorer
仰式 = backstroke
蝶式 = butterflystroke
游泳圈 = float
蛙式 = breaststroke
自由式 =freestroke
狗爬式 = dog paddle
泳衣 = swimming suit
泳褲 = swimming trunk
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2005-11-07T10:02
仰式 backstroke 蝶式 butterflystroke 狗爬式 dog paddle
游泳衣 swimming suit 投籃 to shoot a ball 防守 defense
運球 dribble 傳球 to pass a ball 進攻 to attack
籃板 a bank


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2005-11-02T00:00


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2005-11-02T00:00


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2005-11-02T00:00


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2005-11-02T00:00


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2005-11-02T00:00
運動表上常有不同刻度的轉盤,大多數人都不曉得如何使用,請問轉盤有哪些種類呢(就我所知好像有潛水用和測距用,但不知怎麼用)?不同種類得轉盤又如�� ...