請幫忙翻成英文拜託拜託 - 手錶

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2011-03-03T00:00

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還記得我2010年二月份跟您店裡購買的1803 rosegold嗎? 現在出了一個大問題,3/2號我把手錶拿去RSC要作洗油保養, RSC他們電腦中的資料登記這隻1803的材質是Yellow gold, 所以認定我的1803是電鍍成rose gold,且必須購買yellow gold的dial, 所以他們要求我要同意將手錶拋光整理,但是我提出國內具名氣的鐘錶師父幫我鑑定結果是rose gold,現在RSC害怕拋光整理之後依舊為rose gold,害怕造成手錶外殼嚴重變形,目前拒絕服務我的手錶,這是一個令人驚訝的結果,承認原廠又拒絕保養這令我非常不開心,我知道貴店售出給我的手錶是原廠的, 找了三位鐘錶師父檢查也是rose gold,但是沒辦法符合RSC 電腦所登記的資料,也無法讓RSC作洗油保養,這是令人沮喪的結果,也表達官方機構(RSC)無法認同這是他們的手錶,這真的很不開心,請問貴店可以讓我更換其他錶款嗎?如果超過 EUR 8800的部份,我再貼錢更換
謝謝你的回答 可是我不希望是翻譯器翻的....
Tags: 手錶

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Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2011-03-05T08:13
Do you still remember the 1803 Rose gold which I had bought from your store in Feb-2010? It comes with a lot of problems now. When I took the watch to RSC for oil maintenance on 2-March, according to the RSC data recorder system, which recorded my 1803 watch’s material is Yellow gold, so, they insisted that my 1803 watch was electroplated to Rose gold, and I have to buy the Yellow gold dial. Then they asked me to accept the buffing of the watch. I told RSC that the result of a famous watch connoisseur’s identification was Rose gold. But RSC was afraid the watch’s material was still Rose gold after buffing, and the shell of the watch will be out of shape, so they refuse to service my watch. What a astounded result! They admit the watch is OEM but refuse to service, that really disappointed me. I know the watch you sold me was OEM, and I had asked three watch connoisseur to identify, turned out it was Rose gold indeed. But it just can’t fit the RSC data recorder system, can’t do oil maintenance. That means RSC can’t accept the watch as their product. I was so annoyed. Could you please help to change the watch to another one? If it’s more than EUR 8800, I will pay the extra.
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2011-03-06T15:08
Remember me February 2010 1803: rosegold purchased in the shop with you? Now out has a large problem, three-seconds, I to watch took to RSC to for wash oil maintenance, RSC they computer in the of data registration this only 1803 of material is Yellow Gold, so finds I of 1803 is electroplating into rose gold, and must purchase yellow gold of dial, so they requirements I to agreed will watch polishing finishing, but I made domestic with fame of watches master help I identification results is rose gold, now RSC fear polishing finishing zhihou still for rose gold, fear caused watch shell serious deformation, currently refused service I of watch, this is a was surprised of results, recognized original and refused maintenance this order I very does not happy, I know your shop sold to I of watch is original of, found has three bit watches master check is rose gold, but no approach meet RSC computer by registration of data, also cannot let RSC for wash oil maintenance, this is was frustrated of results, also expression official institutions (RSC) cannot identity this is they of watch, this really of is does not happy, will your shop can let I replaced other table paragraph did? if over EUR 8,800 of some, I then posted money replaced


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