請問這段文章該如何翻譯?? - 手錶

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2006-03-13T00:00

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以前有一則廣告裡,所有人被問到會不會講英語,紛紛害怕地擺手走避,一位老奶奶想了想,舉起手錶講 \"SWATCH\",拿起運動鞋講 \"NIKE\",揮揮手叫 \"TAXI\"。」-- 英文表達似乎沒有想像中困難。廣告令人印象深刻,誠如廣告所呈現,英文其實也可以簡單的使用於生活中。
英文是國際語言,重要性已不可言喻。它可以是一種工具,藉由它來了解外國文化,多學一種語言也為自己開一扇窗,世界會變得愈大!! 記得飛利浦總裁羅益強先生曾說過一句話『不一定要講的完美,而要透過英文去溝通或瞭解的事物,比英文本身更重要。』
由於英文不是我們的母語,所以從國中學英文到現在,嚐試許多錯誤的方法,花費更多的時間學習,不像以英語為母語的人士他們成天都處在那樣的環境當中。在不斷的學習中,從中發現塑造相似的情境,對於英文的進步是有益處的。多聽、多說、多讀、多寫,融入日常生活中,這一點一滴的累積,慢慢的就會看到成效! 可以參考別人學習英文的方法但是最重要的是從別人的經驗當中找出自己最有效率的學習方法!

All Comments

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2006-03-14T09:02
Among a television comercial, everyone was asked whether or not he/she speaks English. All waved hands and fled with fear, except for one old grandma. She pondered for a while, raised her hand showing her watch and said "Swatch", picked up a pair of sneaker and said "Nike", waved her hand and said "taxi"! It seems that English isn't really as difficult as people imagined. This commercial was so impressive and reflected the reality in life that English really could be used in a simple form of daily communication.
English is an international language, and it's importance is undisputed. It could be used as a tool, to understand the culture of foreign countries. Learning another language is like openning a new route for one's self and makes the world a whole lot bigger. A statement from the CEO of Philip Corporation could be recalled: "The persue for perfection isn't necessary, nevertheless understanding and communicating through the usage of English is far more important than the English language itself".
Unlike people who adopted English as their first language finds English easy as they naturally live in such an environment, and due to the fact that English isn't our first language, we thus experience various errors through the course of learning since middle school till' present trying to master the language. During the continual learning process, we find scenario sharing similarities and this is greatly advantageous for improving English skill. The effort and result accumulated by listening, speaking, reading and writing more frequently and adopting the English language more often in daily life can truly demonstrate the effetiveness. Understanding how others learn their English can be used as a reference, but most important of all is to find the most effective method of learning through others' experience.


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2006-03-12T00:00
誰可以把部分的合成表給我?? 因為我不會合 020


James avatar
By James
at 2006-03-12T00:00
直接找他們應該是會負責� ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2006-03-12T00:00


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2006-03-12T00:00
http://tw.f3.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/c221359...http://tw.f4.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/d179581...這二個是我新的拍賣,我最近想�� ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2006-03-12T00:00