英文造句....幫幫忙押 - 手錶

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2005-05-26T00:00

Table of Contents

to work out 成功 :
to trade 交換 :
to disagree 不同意見 :
to commit :
member 成員 :
to practice 練習 :
to try out 選拔賽 :
to clap 拍手 :
live 現場 :
to perform :
Tags: 手錶

All Comments

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2005-05-28T02:56
to work out 成功 : I hope the new play works out.to trade 交換 : She traded three apples for a bunch of bananas.to disagree 不同意見 : We disagreed on which movie to see.to commit : He didn't commit himself to anything.member 成員 : Several members of the family got involved in the crime.to practice 練習 : The young girl practices the violin every day.to try out 選拔賽 : They are trying out the new method.to clap 拍手 : The audience clapped the pianist heartily.live 現場 : We watched a live television show.to perform : They always perform their duties faithfully.
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2005-05-29T09:54
She works out religiously.Kids traded presents after the party is over.I disagree with what you just said in the class.No one can commit for long term nowadays.There are fifteen members in our club.Let’s practice it this evening till we are getting familiar with it.Do you mind I try it out now?The funs clap hard while the singer is singing loud.This is a live broadcastIt is your best chance to perform in front of your audience.
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2005-05-28T06:42
It finally worked out.
I hope the new plan works out.
It doesn't work out between her and me.
I work out at the gym three times a week. (做運動)
Can I trade my book for your pen? (交換東西)
She traded three apples for a bunch of bananas.
He trades in silk.(經營)
I disagree with you. with後加人
We disagreed on which movie to see. on加事情
the two neighbors disagreed bitterly about their boundary line.
about後加主題 指爭論某主題
I commited an error in handling the business.(犯罪或犯過失)
He didn't commit himself to anything. (承諾)
Several members of the family got involved in the crime.
I practice my speaking every day.
She practices playing the piano every evening.
to try out 是動詞
They are trying out the method. 試驗
tryout 才是名詞 選拔賽 試演 試驗 試用
He registered the tryout only for fun.
The audience clapped the pianist heartily.
The football game was televised live.
The students will perform an opera next Monday.
She performs extremely well.


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2005-05-25T00:00


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2005-05-25T00:00


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2005-05-25T00:00


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2005-05-25T00:00
我家只買過兩次富躍購物的東西,一次是我買了號稱全鎢鋼、在電視上又鑽又敲都不會壞的SANN對錶,買了第三天去換錶帶就被店家吐臭說是鍍的鎢鋼,� ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2005-05-25T00:00