英文考試的題目~急~ - 手錶

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-08-07T00:00

Table of Contents

1.It took me (almost 20 hours) to fly to Chicago.(依括號造原問句)
2.We have watched TV (for five hours).(依括號造原問句)
3.They work in New York.(加上 since last year 改寫全句)
4.They didn't write to girls.(改為現在完成式)
5.Michael puts (some apples) on the table.(依括號造原問句)
6.Michael watches the ball game excitedly.(句尾加入前幾天改寫)
7.I'm going to (paint the wall light blue) next Sunday.(依括號造原問句)
8.John plays baseball (after school).(將括號部分改為 at 8:00 yesterday everning 之後改寫)
9.(John and Mary) wash the dishes after lunch.(依括號造原問句)
Tags: 手錶

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Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2010-08-09T06:54
1.It took me (almost 20 hours) to fly to Chicago.(依括號造原問句)
-- How long did it take to fly to Chicago?
2.We have watched TV (for five hours).(依括號造原問句)
-- How long have you watched TV?
3.They work in New York.(加上 since last year 改寫全句)
--Since last year, they have worked in New York.
4.They didn't write to girls.(改為現在完成式)
--They have not written to girls.
5.Michael puts (some apples) on the table.(依括號造原問句)
--What does Michael put on the table?
6.Michael watches the ball game excitedly.(句尾加入前幾天改寫)
--Few days ago,Michael watched the ball game excitedly.
7.I'm going to (paint the wall light blue) next Sunday.(依括號造原問句)
--What are you going to do next Sunday?
8.John plays baseball (after school).(將括號部分改為 at 8:00 yesterday everning 之後改寫)
--John played basefall at 8.00 yesterday evening.
9.(John and Mary) wash the dishes after lunch.(依括號造原問句)
--Who washes the dishes after lunch.
msn: [email protected]


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2010-08-06T00:00
雖然有點難分辨 還是請各位幫忙找一下andgt;//andlt ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2010-08-06T00:00
7/1這天,騎車時速約40左右,沒有違規,正常行駛,對方一台黑色休旅車違規停在路邊andlt;紅線停車andgt;突然開啟車門,�� ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2010-08-06T00:00
我是在和平路的大統百貨swatch的專櫃買的手錶.現在錶帶(手鐲形錶帶)壞了.要換錶帶.但是!!大統裡的swatch的專櫃撤了.現在我不知道要到那裡換.swatch的錶�� ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2010-08-06T00:00


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2010-08-06T00:00