英文中翻英請高手幫忙解決謝謝 - 手錶

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2008-03-08T00:00

Table of Contents

19. 我喜歡在我學校旁的公園裡散步。
20. 沿著公園路的右邊有一間老舊的旅館。
21. 學生們正在那裡跑和玩遊戲。
22. 一起去跑步吧。那聽起來不23. 錯。
24. 他在大約八點時刷牙和洗臉。
25. 我在下午三點有數學課。它很無趣。
26. 他在下午時回家並在大約晚間六點三十分時吃飯。
27. 你通常早上幾點起來?
28. 他的新筆友來自哪裡?
29. Lee太太需要多少豬肉? 她需要4磅。
30. Well先生會主中國菜,31. 他是很棒的廚師。
32. Willy有多少張棒球卡? 他至少有三百張。
33. Albert必須每天早起嗎? 是,34. 他必須要。
35. Anna坐在最後一排,36. 但是David坐在第一排
37. 今天是星期三,38. 不39. 是星期四。
40. Mike 很喜歡吃速食。
41. Mary 正在閱讀兒童故事。
42. 你記得我嗎。
43. 這世界真小!我真不44. 敢相信!你在這裡。
45. 我會幫忙我的英文老師。
46. Tina 和 Jane 至少有一百本電腦書。
47. Amenda 和 Ted明天不48. 能去野餐。
49. 我哥哥以前又矮又瘦。
50. 我媽媽那時很苗條。
51. 我們何不52. 去野餐呢?
53. Linda那時的頭髮很長,54. 但是現在她的頭髮很短。
55. Amanda十年前是警察。
56. Well先生會主中國菜,57. 他是很棒的廚師。
58. 她凌晨兩、三點時回到家。
59. 我正在找給我媽媽的禮物。
60. Mr. Brown 喜歡網球。
61. 你弟弟幾點上床睡覺? 他十ㄧ點上床睡覺。
62. 我羨慕我的音樂老師。
63. 我們的父母正在打電話給我們
64. S.H.E 會唱歌。她們會游泳嗎?
65. 現在幾點鐘?
66. 你們有蘋果茶嗎?
67. 你會打籃球嗎?
68. 我能幫你的忙嗎?
69. Mary會抓魚嗎?
70. 你下次可以喝一些茶。
71. 你記得Lisa嗎?
72. 我很抱歉。
73. 你要的在這裡。
74. 他會開車,75. 但不76. 會游泳。
77. 我能喝一些牛奶嗎?
78. 你還會做什麼事?
79. 別擔心。
80. 這封信是我爸爸寄來的。
81. 我們的聚會是在10:25。
82. Jack住在美國。
83. 我美國有很多朋友。
84. 看她的新手錶。好漂亮。
85. 你的英文老師會說多種語言嗎?
86. 也許你有一些好主意。
87. 我很羨慕吳先生。
88. 這輛腳踏車是要給我的嗎?
89. 父親節要到了。
90. 我在找給爸爸的禮物。
91. Jeff,92. 你明天能和我們一起看電影嗎?
93. 他必須照顧他的妹妹們。
94. 我們為什麼不95. 去野餐呢?
96. 我必須早起並且留在家裡。
97. 也許我可以帶他去野餐。
98. 我想要一艘大船。
99. Bill不100. 會接球嗎?
101. 你還記得他們嗎?
102. Mindy好聰明!
103. 歡迎參加我們的同104. 學會。
105. 稍106. 等一下。
107. 我的老師會教很多事情。
108. 你可以下次付我錢。
109. 我們快一點。
110. Jim有幾位好朋友?
111. 我媽媽是警察。
112. 她找失蹤兒童。
113. 我們想要參觀一所英文小學。
114. 每天早上我媽叫我起床。
115. 我的狗Lucky很可愛又充滿活力。
116. 你現在要去公園嗎?
117. Wendy吃很多也睡很多。
118. 別介意。
119. Jack住在美國。
Tags: 手錶

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Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2008-03-10T16:11
19. 我喜歡在我學校旁的公園裡散步。
I like to take a walk in the park near my school.
20. 沿著公園路的右邊有一間老舊的旅館。
There is an old hotel on the right along the Park Road.
21. 學生們正在那裡跑和玩遊戲。
Students are jogging and playing games there.
22. 一起去跑步吧。
Let's go jogging.
23. 那聽起來不錯。
That sounds good.
24. 他在大約八點時刷牙和洗臉。
He brushed teeth and washed face about eight.
25. 我在下午三點有數學課。它很無趣。
I had a math class at three this afternoon. It was boring.
26. 他在下午時回家並在大約晚間六點三十分時吃飯。
He went home in the afternoon and ate dinner about six thirty in the evening.
27. 你通常早上幾點起來?
What time do you usually get up in the morning?
28. 他的新筆友來自哪裡?
Where is his new pen pal from?(Where does his new pen pal come from?)
29. Lee太太需要多少豬肉? 她需要4磅。
How much port does Mrs. Lee need? She needs four pounds.
30. Well先生會主中國菜,他是很棒的廚師。
Mr. Well can cood Chinese food. He is a great cook.
2008-03-09 02:50:28 補充:
32. Willy有多少張棒球卡? 他至少有三百張。
How many baseball cards does Willy have? He has at least three hundred ones.
33. Albert必須每天早起嗎? 是,他必須要。
Does Albert have to get up earlily every day? Yes, he does.
2008-03-09 02:50:44 補充:
35. Anna坐在最後一排,但是David坐在第一排。
Anna sits at the last row, but David sits at the first one.
37. 今天是星期三? 不,是星期四。
Is today Wednesday? No, it's Thursday.
40. Mike 很喜歡吃速食。
Mike like to eat fast food.
2008-03-09 02:50:59 補充:
41. Mary 正在閱讀兒童故事。
Mary is reading nursery tale.
42. 你記得我嗎?
Do you remember me?
43. 這世界真小!我真不敢相信!你在這裡。
How a small world! I can't believe it! You are here.
45. 我會幫忙我的英文老師。
I would help my English teacher.
2008-03-09 02:51:07 補充:
46. Tina 和 Jane 至少有一百本電腦書。
Tina and Jane at least have one hundred computer books.
47. Amenda 和 Ted明天不能去野餐。
Amenda and Ted can't go on a picnic tomorrow.
49. 我哥哥以前又矮又瘦。
My brother was short and thin before.
50. 我媽媽那時很苗條。
My Mother was slim then.
2008-03-09 02:51:24 補充:
51. 我們何不去野餐呢?
Why not going on a picnic?
53. Linda那時的頭髮很長,但是現在她的頭髮很短。
Linda's hair was very long then, but it's short now.
55. Amanda十年前是警察。
Amanda was a police officer ten years ago.
2008-03-09 02:51:33 補充:
56. Well先生會主中國菜,他是很棒的廚師。
Mr. Well can cood Chinese food. He is a great cook.
58. 她凌晨兩、三點時回到家。
She got home at two, three at daybreak.
59. 我正在找給我媽媽的禮物。
I'm looking for the gift for my Mom.
60. Mr. Brown 喜歡網球。
Mr. Brown likes to play tennis.
2008-03-09 02:51:45 補充:
61. 你弟弟幾點上床睡覺? 他十ㄧ點上床睡覺。
When did your brother went to bed? He went to bed at eleven.
62. 我羨慕我的音樂老師。
I envy my music teacher.
63. 我們的父母正在打電話給我們。
Our prrents are talking to us by phone.
2008-03-09 02:51:54 補充:
64. S.H.E 會唱歌。她們會游泳嗎?
S.H.E can sing. Can they swim?
65. 現在幾點鐘?
What time is it?
66. 你們有蘋果茶嗎?
Do you have apple tee?
67. 你會打籃球嗎?
Can you play basketball?
68. 我能幫你的忙嗎?
May I help you?
2008-03-09 02:52:03 補充:
69. Mary會抓魚嗎?
Can Mary catch fish?
70. 你下次可以喝一些茶。
You can drink some tea next time.
71. 你記得Lisa嗎?
Do you remember Lisa?
72. 我很抱歉。
I'm sorry.
2008-03-09 02:52:12 補充:
73. 你要的在這裡。
Here you are.
74. 他會開車,但不會游泳。
He can drive, but can't swim.
77. 我能喝一些牛奶嗎?
May I drink some milk?
78. 你還會做什麼事?
What other things can you do?
79. 別擔心。
Don't worry.
80. 這封信是我爸爸寄來的。
My Father sent this letter to me.
2008-03-09 02:52:29 補充:
81. 我們的聚會是在10:25。
Our party is at ten twenty-five.
82. Jack住在美國。
Jack lives in America.
83. 我美國有很多朋友。
I have a lot of friends in America.
84. 看她的新手錶。好漂亮。
Look at her new watch. It's beautiful.
2008-03-09 02:52:36 補充:
85. 你的英文老師會說多種語言嗎?
Can your English teacher speak many kinds of languages?
86. 也許你有一些好主意。
Maybe you have some good ideas.
87. 我很羨慕吳先生。
I envy Mr. Wu a lot.
88. 這輛腳踏車是要給我的嗎?
Is this bicycle given to me?
2008-03-09 02:52:43 補充:
89. 父親節要到了。
Father's Day is coming.
91. Jeff,你明天能和我們一起看電影嗎?
Jeff, will you see a movie with us tomorrow?
93. 他必須照顧他的妹妹們。
He has to take care of his sisters.
94. 我們為什麼不去野餐呢?
Why don't we go on a picnic?
2008-03-09 02:52:50 補充:
96. 我必須早起並且留在家裡。
I have to get up earlily and stay at home.
97. 也許我可以帶他去野餐。
Maybe I could take him to go on a picnic.
98. 我想要一艘大船。
I'd like a big ship.
99. Bill不會接球嗎?
Can't Bil catch a ball?
101. 你還記得他們嗎?
Do you still remember them?
2008-03-09 02:52:59 補充:
102. Mindy好聰明!
Mindy is smart!
103. 歡迎參加我們的同學會。
Welcome to our classmate reunion.
105. 稍等一下。
Pleast wait for a moment.
107. 我的老師會教很多事情。
My teacher can teach us a lot of things.
2008-03-09 02:53:07 補充:
108. 你可以下次付我錢。
You can pay me money next time.
109. 我們快一點。
We hurry up.
110. Jim有幾位好朋友?
How many good friends does Jim have?
111. 我媽媽是警察。
My Mom is a police officer.
112. 她找失蹤兒童。
She looks for missing children.
2008-03-09 02:53:15 補充:
113. 我們想要參觀一所英文小學。
We'd like to visit an English elementary school.
114. 每天早上我媽叫我起床。
My Mom ask me to get up every morning.
115. 我的狗Lucky很可愛又充滿活力。
My dog Luchy is cute and energetic.
116. 你現在要去公園嗎?
Are you going to the park now?
2008-03-09 02:53:22 補充:
117. Wendy吃很多也睡很多。
Wendy eats and sleeps a lot.
118. 別介意。
Never mind.
119. Jack住在美國。
Jack lives in America.
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2008-03-08T23:55
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2008-03-11T21:47
19. I is it take a walk in the park by the school in me to like.
20. Have first old hotel on the right of way along park.
21. Where run and play games students.
22. Go to run. That sound 23. Fault.
24. He brushed teeth and washed the face at about eight.
25. I have mathematics lessons at three o'clock in the afternoon. It is very barren.
26. He goes home and has a meal in the timesharing at about thirty past six at night in the afternoon.
27. Do you usually several points in the morning get up?
28. Does his new pen friend come from there?
29. How much pork does Lee madam need? She needs 4 pounds.
30. Well Mr. will main Chinese cuisine, 31. He is a very good cook.
32. How much baseball does Willy have the card? He has 300 at least.
33. Must Albert get up early every day? Yes, 34. He must want.
35. Anna sits at the last row, 36. But David sits at the first row
37. Today is Wednesday, 38. Not 39. It is Thursday.
40. Mike likes eating and eating rapidly very much.
41. Mary is reading the stories of children.
42. Do you remember me.
43. This world is very small! How am I no 44. Dare to believe! You are here.
45. I will help my English teacher.
46. Tina and Jane have 100 computers book at least.
47. Amenda and Ted tomorrow no 48. Can go for a picnic.
49. My elder brother was short and also thin in the past.
50. My mother was very slim at that time.
51. What are we no 52. Go for a picnic?
53. The hair at that time of Linda is very long, 54. But her hair is very short now.
55. Amanda was the police ten years ago.
56. Well Mr. will main Chinese cuisine, 57. He is a very good cook.
58. She came back home at two, three o'clock before dawn.
59. I am looking for the gift for my mother.
60. Mr. Brown likes the tennis.
2008-03-09 01:49:38 補充:
61. What time will your younger brother go to bed? He ten Click and go to bed.
62. I envy my music teacher.
63. Our parents are making a phone call to us
64. S.H.E can sing. Can they swim?
65. What time is it now?
2008-03-09 01:49:48 補充:
66. Do you have apple and tea?
67. Can you play basketball?
68. Can I do you a favor?
69. Will Mary catch the fish?
70. You can drink some tea next time. 71. Do you remember Lisa?
2008-03-09 01:50:13 補充:
72. I am very sorry.
73. What you want is here.
74. He can drive, 75. But not 76. Can swim.
77. Can I drink some milk?
2008-03-09 01:50:26 補充:
78. What will you still do?
79. Don't worry.
80. This letter was mailed by my father.
81. Our party is at 10:25.
82. Jack lives in U.S.A..
2008-03-09 01:50:42 補充:
83. There are a lot of friends in our U.S.A..
84. See her new wrist-watch. Very beautiful.
85. Will your English teacher say many kinds of languages?
86. Perhaps you have some good ideas.
87. I envy Mr. Wu very much.
88. Is it given to me that this bicycle is?
2008-03-09 01:50:51 補充:
89. Father's Day will arrive.
90. I am looking for the gift for father.
91. Jeff, 92. Can you see the film with us tomorrow?
93. He must look after his younger sisters.
94. Our why no 95. Go for a picnic?
2008-03-09 01:50:59 補充:
96. I must get up early and keep it at home.
97. Perhaps I can bring him and go for a picnic.
98. I want a big ship.
99. Bill no 100. Will receive?
101. Do you still remember them?
102. Mindy is very clever!
2008-03-09 01:51:09 補充:
103. Welcome to we and 104. Society.
105. 106 slightly. Just a moment.
107. My teacher will teach a lot of things.
108. You can pay me money next time.
109. We are a bit faster.
2008-03-09 01:51:18 補充:
110. How many good friends are Jim?
111. My mother is the police.
112. She looks for the missing child.
113. We want to visit an English primary school.
114. My mother asks me to get up every morning.
2008-03-09 01:51:22 補充:
115. My dog Lucky is very lovely and full of vigor.
116. Will you go to the park now?
117. Wendy has plenty to sleep a lot too.
118. Don't mind.
119. Jack lives in U.S.A.
2008-03-09 01:52:03 補充:
James avatar
By James
at 2008-03-12T20:39


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2008-03-08T00:00


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2008-03-08T00:00
我有一支emporio armani的錶


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2008-03-08T00:00
但是上網查卻查不到任何有 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2008-03-08T00:00
哪裡可以買到LM.C的周邊和日版的CD??例如:手錶.毛巾.環保袋.護腕..等等....(有其中一樣也可以)前提是...本人住台 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2008-03-08T00:00
多年前在通路上常看到,但那時�� ...