練習:請按照句意,在空格處填入begoingto或wil - 手錶

By Harry
at 2011-12-07T00:00
at 2011-12-07T00:00
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be going to 與will的用法 (1) 當be going to 與will用於對未來的預測時,意思相同: 例句: She isgoing to succeed because she works hard. 意思等於She will succeed because she works hard. (2) 表示預定的計劃時, 只能用be going to 例句:I boughtsome wood because I am going to build a bookcase for myself. 說明:在說話的時候已買了一些木頭(bought some wood),表示早有做書架(tobuild a bookcase)的計劃。 (3) 表示說話者在說話當時所做的決定時,只能用will 例句:This chairis too heavy for you to carry alone. I’ll (I will的縮寫) help you. 說明:這把椅子太重了,你抬不動。所以我決定幫你忙。(說話者看到椅子很重抬不動,當下決定幫忙,所以用will) 練習:請按照句意,在空格處填入be going to或will1. A: Did you know that Sara and Iare moving? We found a great apartment on 45th Street.B: That’sterrific. I __________ help you on moving day if you like.A: Hey, great!We’d really appreciate that. 2. A: Do you have a car? B: Yes, but I__________ sell it. I don’t need it now that I live in the city. 3. A: Do you want to walk to themeeting together?B: Okay. I______________ meet you by the elevator. Okay?A: Okay. I______________ wait for you there. 4. A: Why did you buy so manyapples?B: I_______________ make some apple pies. Some friends are coming over tonight. 5. A: Alex is in town for a fewdays.B: I know. He called meyesterday. We _________________ have a drink after I get off work tonight
All Comments

By Thomas
at 2011-12-07T04:03
at 2011-12-07T04:03
2. am going to
3. will, will
4. am going to
5. are going to
Future Simple vs be going to:
We use the future simple:
1. When we make a prediction based on what we think, believe or imagine.
e.g. In the year 2020, people will drive electric cars.
2. For on-the-spot decisions:
e.g. I like this one better then the other. I will take it.
We use be going to:
1. When we make a prediction based on what we can see (evidence) or what we knoe.
e.g. She is going to cut the sunflowers.
2. For actions we have already decided to do in the future.
e.g. Watch out! You are going to bang your head on the doorframe!

By Thomas
at 2011-12-07T08:43
at 2011-12-07T08:43
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