拜託求解,請教教我這10題的英文題目? - 手錶

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2016-10-03T07:48

Table of Contents

例題:I bought a hat at 9 a.m. I lost my camera at 11 a.m.(before)
I bought a hat before I lost my camera.
1.He studied English in the afternoon. He went to the movies at night.(before)
2.Jill bought some eggs this morning. Jill made a pie this afternoon.(Before)
3.I read a book yesterday morning. I played with my dog yesterday evening.(before)
4.Andy cleaned his room at 5 p.m. His mother came home at 6 p.m.(Before)
5.Tina washed the apple. Then she ate it.(Before)
例題:I bought the bicycle yesterday. I washed the bicycle this morning.(After)
After I bought the bicycle, I washed it.
1.Shelly brushed her teeth. Shelly went to bed.(After)
2.Tom bought the orange juice. Tom drank the orange juice.(after)
3.We cleaned the kitchen. The kitchen was clean. (After)
4.Mark had a hamburger at 7 p.m. Mark had a cake at 8 p.m.(after)
5.Joe listened to the radio. Then he watched TV.(After)
Tags: 手錶

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Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2016-10-04T19:13
呃 規則應該是這樣
早發生的事 + before + 晚發生的事 去掉時間after + 早發生的事 + , + 晚發生的事 去掉時間
1. He studied English before he went to the movies.
2. Jill bought some eggs before she made a pie.
3. I read a book before I played with my dog.
4. Andy cleaned his room before his mother came home.
5. Tina washed the apple before she ate it.
1. After Shelly brushed her teeth, she went to bed.
2. After Tom bought the orange juice, he drank it.
3. After we cleaned the kitchen, it was clean.
4. After Mark had a hamburger, he had a cake.
5. After Joe listened to the radio, he watched TV.
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2016-10-06T05:53
Hello Kitty應該沒醬子簡單喔!要怎樣子結合 有一點要素要考慮:
前者通常會用<同等時態> 而後者會用<過完式>表示<前事> 用<過去式>來表示<後事>
A)習慣- 他(以前幾乎每天)下午讀語 晚上 看電影
He (always) studied English in the afternoon before he went to the movie in the night.
B)只是對一次事件的描述 - 他(那天)下午讀語 晚上看電影
He had studied English in the afternoon before he went to the movie in the night.


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2016-08-18T07:58


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2016-08-04T06:33
型號好像是16233 不知道這現在還能借多少?
還有價值嗎? 如果可以借利息多少?


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2016-07-06T16:14
關於飾品也是出社會之後才開始有在戴一開始只是想說手上戴手錶有點空洞就買條手鍊來戴結果戴了之後發現飾品 ...