我的英文作業不會寫 - 手錶

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-01-23T00:00

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但我的英文作業都不會寫= =
1.He had an English test yesterday.(畫線造原問句)
2.jolin had a headche,so she did't go out with me.(改...because...)
3.Her sister was doing her homework at that time.(畫線造原問句)
4.Helen bouht them some apples.(把them移到句尾)
5.She went to the night market by taxi tonight.(用take改寫並做適當變化)
6.There is a party at my place today.(把today改成tomorrow,並用will)
7.Bob will visit the art museum with us.(畫線造原問句)
8.They're going to watch TV later.(畫線造原問句)
9.My sister is good at singing.(畫線造原問句)
10.How long will it take us to walk to the post office?(用five minutes回答)
11.She spent an hour studying for the math test.(用take改寫)
12.Planting more trees is good for the earth.(用It改寫)
13.Is it good for us to drink more water?(肯定詳答)
Tags: 手錶

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Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-01-24T07:00
1. He had an English test yesterday.(畫線造原問句)
Ans: When did he have a test?
解析 :步驟1.畫線yesterday 為時間, 疑問詞用When (畫線為地方,疑問詞用where/畫線為人,疑問詞用who,以此類推)
步驟2.題目去掉畫線部分剩He had an English test
步驟3.had 一般動詞用助動詞(do, does, did)形成疑問句,did he have an English test
*助動詞後動詞原形,had 改成have
步驟4.將1.when疑問詞和3.did he have an English test 放一起
2. Jolin had a headache, so she did't go out with me. (改...because...)
Ans: Jolin did't go out with me because she had a headache.
解析 :英文中有because,就不可同時使用so
because為從屬連接詞,so 為對等連接詞
3.Her sister was doing her homework at that time.(畫線造原問句)
Ans: What was her sister doing at that time?
4.Helen bought them some apples.(把them移到句尾)
Ans: Helen bought some apples for them.
解析 :bought為雙賓動詞(受與動詞)
5.She went to the night market by taxi tonight.(用take改寫並做適當變化)
Ans: She took a taxi to the night market tonight.
解析 :1.go to +地方+by+交通工具
2.take a/an/the +交通工具+地方 6.There is a party at my place today.(把today改成tomorrow,並用will)
Ans: There will be a party at my place tomorrow.
7.Bob will visit the art museum with us.(畫線造原問句)
Ans: Who will visit the art museum with us?
解析 :Bob為人,疑問詞用Who 8.They're going to watch TV later.(畫線造原問句)
Ans: What are they going to do later?
9.My sister is good at singing.(畫線造原問句)
Ans: What is your sister good at?
10.How long will it take us to walk to the post office?(用five minutes回答)
Ans: It will take five minutes to walk to the post office.11.She spent an hour studying for the math test.(用take改寫)
Ans: It took her an hour to study for the math test.
解析 :take 主詞為事物,spend 主詞為人 12.Planting more trees is good for the earth.(用It改寫)
Ans: It is good for the earth to plant more trees.
解析 :虛主詞文法: it is .....to +動詞原形 13.Is it good for us to drink more water?(肯定詳答)Ans: Yes, it is good for us to drink more water.

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2011-01-23T13:42
1.He had an English test yesterday.(畫線造原問句)
When did he have an English test?

2.jolin had a headche,so she did't go out with me.(改...because...)
Jolin didn't go out with me, because she had a headache.

3.Her sister was doing her homework at that time.(畫線造原問句)
What was her sister ding at that time?

4.Helen bouht them some apples.(把them移到句尾)
Helen bought some apples to them.

5.She went to the night market by taxi tonight.(用take改寫並做適當變化)
She went to the night market be taking taxi tonight.

6.There is a party at my place today.(把today改成tomorrow,並用will)
There will be a party at my place tomorrow.

7.Bob will visit the art museum with us.(畫線造原問句)
Who will visit the art museum with us?

8.They're going to watch TV later.(畫線造原問句)
What are they going to do later?

9.My sister is good at singing.(畫線造原問句)
What is your sister good at?

10.How long will it take us to walk to the post office?(用five minutes回答)
It will take us five minutes (to walk to the post office).

11.She spent an hour studying for the math test.(用take改寫)
She spent an hour studying for taking the math test.

12.Planting more trees is good for the earth.(用It改寫)
It is good for the earth to plant more trees.

13.Is it good for us to drink more water?(肯定詳答)
Yes, it is good for us to drink more water.
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-01-26T14:56
1. He had an English test yesterday.(畫線造原問句)
When did he have a test?
2. Jolin had a headache, so she did't go out with me. (改...because...)
Jolin did't go out with me because she had a headache.
3.Her sister was doing her homework at that time.(畫線造原問句)
What was her sister doing at that time?
4.Helen bought them some apples.(把them移到句尾)
Helen bought some apples for them.
5.She went to the night market by taxi tonight.(用take改寫並做適當變化)
She took a taxi to the night market tonight.
6.There is a party at my place today.(把today改成tomorrow,並用will)
There will be a party at my place tomorrow.
7.Bob will visit the art museum with us.(畫線造原問句)
Who will visit the art museum with us?
8.They're going to watch TV later.(畫線造原問句)
What are they going to do later?
9.My sister is good at singing.(畫線造原問句)
What is your sister good at?
10.How long will it take us to walk to the post office?(用five minutes回答)
It will take five minutes to walk to the post office.
11.She spent an hour studying for the math test.(用take改寫)
It took her an hour to study for the math test.
12.Planting more trees is good for the earth.(用It改寫)
It is good for the earth to plant more trees.
13.Is it good for us to drink more water?(肯定詳答)Yes, it is good for us to drink more water.


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