幫我檢視英文文法20P - 手錶

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2007-12-11T00:00

Table of Contents

Can you can you can you be my lady
I will give you fabulous memory
In da future we will get marry
You know what is this you know that
when i saw u , i find the futrue
u r the apple in my eye
i think i love you and never give up
you never kenw who watching u
all the time
這不是功課 只是我打的一些文章
只是文法有錯 我不知道如何改起 = =
Tags: 手錶

All Comments

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2007-12-12T14:45
Can you can you can you be my lady
I will give you fabulous memory
In da future we will get marry
You know what is this you know that
In the future we will get married
you know what this is , you know that
when i saw u , i find the futrue
u r the apple in my eye
i think i love you and never give up
When I saw you , I found the future
you are the apple in my eyes
I think I love you and never give up
you never kenw who watching u
all the time
you never know who is watching you all the time.


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2007-12-11T00:00
請問一下BMW318有分什麼E36.E46.等等的誰可幫我解釋一下分別代表什麼意思...因為想換中古BMW但是不會分別....雖然知道是幾CC的車但是不知道他一些代號的 ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2007-12-11T00:00
本來鎖定OMEGA的星辰系列女錶 在桃園的富貴看的
價格約18萬 可以打到8折
我知道 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2007-12-11T00:00
我希望能夠在 ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2007-12-10T00:00
我想把我的GUESS賣掉 當初買來時 一萬初 不知有沒有人在收購 不想PO到網路 因為太慢了我這支是男錶型號GC700 八成新 盒子都還在
因為急�� ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2007-12-10T00:00
我的愛車是喜美七代k10 ferio 原廠胎是195/60/15 由於愛車是中古二手車,買來時前車主已經把輪胎改成205/45/16扁平胎,不過此款車胎實在有夠吵的...害我都要� ...