問一些英文的問題!!【急】 - 手錶

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2008-07-09T00:00

Table of Contents

1.At that time, I saw a girlwalking___________over there.
(A)X (B)to (C)in(D)by
2.The doctor watched the little boy ________medicine.
(A)take (B)to take (C)was taking (D)took
3.Sam:Did you hear from Tina? Joe:No,I didn't get any_____from her.
(A)letters(B)books (C)envelopes(D)notebooks
4.On the notebook _____four watches.
(A)is(B)are (C)has (D)have
5.Cathy is opeaning the book,_____it.
(A)not close(B)is not closing (C)not is closing(D)not closing
6.Betty was_____when her friends sang the happy brithday song.
(A)opening present(B)closed the book
(C)opening her present (D)closes her book
7.We bought a ____watch for Mark on his twentieth birthday.
(A)woman's(B)women's(C)man's (D)men's
Tags: 手錶

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Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2008-07-12T17:29
(A) 1.At that time, I saw a girl walking over there.
(D) 2.The doctor watched the little boy took medicine.
(A) 3.Sam: Did you hear from Tina? Joe: No, I didn't get any letters from her.
(B) 4.On the notebook are four watches.
(D) 5.Cathy is opening the book, not closing it.
(C) 6.Betty was opening her present when her friends sang the happy birthday song.
(D) 7.We bought a men's watch for Mark on his twentieth birthday.
2008-07-09 20:49:49 補充:
(A) 1.At that time, I saw a girl walking over there.
解:over there 前不需再加上任何的介系詞了。
2008-07-09 20:50:01 補充:
(D) 2.The doctor watched the little boy took medicine.
解:這句原是The doctor watched the little boy. 及The little boy took medicine. 兩句的合併。
合併後變為The doctor watched the little boy who took medicine.
因為who 後面的句子是在修飾前面的 boy,因此可將關係代名詞省略,改為分詞構句型式後就變為The doctor watched the little boy took medicine.
2008-07-09 20:50:37 補充:
(A) 3.Sam: Did you hear from Tina? Joe: No, I didn't get any letters from her.
解:Sam: 你有Tina的消息嗎?
Joe: 沒有,我沒有收到任何她寄來的信。(不可能會是書(books)、信封(envelopes)或手冊/筆記型電腦(notebooks)吧!)
2008-07-09 20:50:49 補充:
(B) 4.On the notebook are four watches.
解:four watches是複數,應用複數動詞。至於是are還是have,就看是「客觀狀態」的敘述還是「所有權狀態」的敘述。
如I have money. 是指「所有權狀態」的敘述,因為我真的“擁有”錢。
如There is no money on the table. 則是指「客觀狀態」的敘述,桌上沒有錢,桌子並不能真正“擁有”錢。
2008-07-09 20:51:35 補充:
(D) 5.Cathy is opening the book, not closing it.
解:Cathy is opening the book, she is not closing it. 前後兩子句的主動詞相同時,主動詞可省略。
(C) 6.Betty was opening her present when her friends sang the happy birthday song.
2008-07-09 20:51:45 補充:
(D) 7.We bought a men's watch for Mark on his twentieth birthday.
解:男錶men's watch/女用錶women's watch,不能用單數的man及woman。
2008-07-10 11:05:02 補充:
2008-07-10 11:05:31 補充:
感官動詞一般來說有see, watch, look at, hear , listen to, feel, smell, notice.......
例:I see a dog run.
例:I see a dog running.
例:I see a dog run over by a truck.
例:Tom was seen to help an old lady cross the street.
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2008-07-13T14:35
1.At that time, I saw a girlwalking___________over there.
(A)X (B)to (C)in(D)by
答: (A)
P.S. girlwalking 是不是打錯了? 應該是girl walking
2.The doctor watched the little boy ________medicine.
(A)take (B)to take (C)was taking (D)took
答: (A)
watch 是感官動詞 要用原型
3.Sam:Did you hear from Tina? Joe:No,I didn't get any_____from her.
(A)letters(B)books (C)envelopes(D)notebooks
答: (A)
4.On the notebook _____four watches.
(A)is(B)are (C)has (D)have
答: (B)
watches 是複數
5.Cathy is opeaning the book,_____it.
(A)not close(B)is not closing (C)not is closing(D)not closing
答: (D)
6.Betty was_____when her friends sang the happy brithday song.
(A)opening present(B)closed the book
(C)opening her present (D)closes her book
答: (C)
was opening 是過去進行式
7.We bought a ____watch for Mark on his twentieth birthday.
(A)woman's(B)women's(C)man's (D)men's
答: (C)
Mark 是男生 這裡要用單數


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2008-07-08T00:00
我最近想嘗試三分褲(深色)別人都說我穿深色衣服比較好看像是黑色衣服深色的牛仔褲我的衣服幾乎都是黑的上 ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2008-07-08T00:00


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2008-07-08T00:00
請問大大們.幫我解決一下因為我男友生日快到了他是處女座他高高壯壯ㄉ..皮膚黑黑..(因為當兵..)(適合哪一種類�� ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2008-07-08T00:00
如題請問各位大大小弟的愛錶刮傷了...電波表的鏡面為藍寶石水晶...鏡面的外框有明顯的刮痕如果送回卡西歐原廠 ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2008-07-08T00:00
之前再國外買了類似這款http://www.watch31.com/watch31/item.asp?item_id=22...只是是銀面而已沒有刮痕12顆碎鑽可以拿去哪些�� ...