各位大大請教誰會這些英文請幫忙 - 手錶

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2011-05-13T00:00

Table of Contents

1. ( ) Would you to sing a song? likes‚ like ƒliked 2. ( ) I have  much ‚ mom ƒ many pretty clothes. 3. ( ) I like to wear and pants.  jacket ‚ an jacket ƒ a jacket 4. ( ) I like to wear of clothes.  kind ‚ all kindsƒ all kind 5. ( ) How much are pants? these ‚ this ƒ that 6. ( ) How much is ?  they ‚ you ƒ it 7. ( ) There is a big at that store.  sell‚ saleƒ sail 8. ( ) I’d like to these slippers.  trying on ‚ tried on ƒ try on
Tags: 手錶

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Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2011-05-17T16:40
1. ( ) Would you to sing a song? likes‚ like ƒliked 答案(like)助動詞後方的動詞需使用原形動詞 Would/should/could/can/will/do/does/did都是助動詞2. ( ) I have  much ‚ mom ƒ many pretty clothes. 答案(many) much+不可數名詞-例much water Many+可數名詞-例many people此處的clothes是cloth的複數集合名詞,所以用many3. ( ) I like to wear and pants.  jacket ‚ an jacket ƒ a jacket 答案(a jacket)單數名詞前應加上定冠詞(the, this, that, these, those)或不定冠詞(a, an),jacket沒有加上s表示是單數名詞,又非為母音開頭字母(an apple, an English book),所以加上a即可4. ( ) I like to wear of clothes.  kind ‚ all kindsƒ all kind 答案(all kinds)kind為種類,為可數名詞,all所有的,表複數,所以kind需加上s5. ( ) How much are pants? these ‚ this ƒ that 答案(these) 單數定冠詞this這,複數定冠詞these這些單數定冠詞that那,複數定冠詞those那些The則是單、複數都可用例:this bookàthese books, that penàthose pens The bookàthe books the penàthe pens此句的pants褲子,為複數,所以用複數定冠詞6. ( ) How much is ?  they ‚ you ƒ it 答案(it) is是單數名詞所使用的be動詞Be動詞—is/am/are/was/were---àI+am/ you+are / he/she/it/第三人稱單數+is*how much is it?用於問單數名詞的價格例:How much is this cup??這杯子多少錢? How much are these cups?這些杯子多少錢7. ( ) There is a big at that store.  sell‚ saleƒ sail 答案(sale) a sale表拍賣8. ( ) I’d like to these slippers.  trying on ‚ tried on ƒ try on答案(try on) 動詞 to 動詞à此為不定詞句型例: I want to play basketball.我想打籃球。 He likes to watch TV.我喜歡看電視。
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2011-05-14T03:10
你/ 妳好,以下是為你/ 妳整理出來的,請參考看看。
1. Would like to sing a song?
2. I have many pretty clothes .
3. I like to wear a jacket and pants.
4. I like to wear all kinds of clothes.
5. How much are these pants ?
6. How much is it ?
7. There is a big sale at the store.
8. I'd like to try on these slippers.,


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2011-05-13T00:00


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-05-13T00:00
那阿KEN 在那跳亂舞 那首歌 是什麼歌


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2011-05-13T00:00
初步分析表上面寫:對方:違反號誌管制或指揮(事故現場圖上標示對方紅燈左轉)我方:涉嫌超速行駛(我是直行車 ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-05-12T00:00
哪位大大知道歌名 請告訴我 卸卸


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-05-12T00:00
我想請問這支錶: ..... 網址如下↓
他的 防水是 3atm(30m)~ 但後面又加了個 ( 鎖� ...