(20點)麻煩幫忙翻譯這段關於電視修理的英文,感謝 - 手錶

By Agatha
at 2008-11-30T00:00
at 2008-11-30T00:00
Table of Contents
There are several hazards in TV work that a tech should be aware of. The number one risk is electrical shock from the many high voltages in a set. Many sets use a live chassis configuration, where one side of the metal chassis is directly connected to the AC power line.
Connecting a test instrument ground lead directly to a live chassis can result in a shower of sparks from the resulting short circuit!
To minimize the risks, the following precautions must be taken:
1. Always use a line isolation transformer when working with sets on a bench. A line isolation transformer is a 1:1 transformer that isolates the 120 volt house current from the set under test.
2. Always work with one hand when testing live circuitry; keep the other hand in your pocket. Wear good-quality shoes with insulating soles. This precaution helps to prevent current from passing through your chest, should you receive a shock.
3. Do not wear watches, rings, or other jewlery when working on the bench. These things can short a circuit under test, or can accidentally put you in contact with high voltage.
4. Wear safety goggles when handling or working near a picture tube. A picture tube contains a partial vacuum, and may shatter violently (implode) if scratched, cracked, or dropped. Do not touch a picture tube with any metal tools; you may scratch it.
5. Before picking up a picture tube, short the second anode nipple (on the side of the tube) to the ground frame of the tube. The liner of a picture tube is one plate of a capacitor. The amount of charge stored there can't hurt you, but it might startle you into dropping the tube when you pick it up.
6. Do not operate a TV set with the X-ray shielding removed. A TV set with excessive high voltage can emit X-rays. If the high voltage readings are not within the manufacwrer's specifications, turn the unit off until the cause is discovered.
Connecting a test instrument ground lead directly to a live chassis can result in a shower of sparks from the resulting short circuit!
To minimize the risks, the following precautions must be taken:
1. Always use a line isolation transformer when working with sets on a bench. A line isolation transformer is a 1:1 transformer that isolates the 120 volt house current from the set under test.
2. Always work with one hand when testing live circuitry; keep the other hand in your pocket. Wear good-quality shoes with insulating soles. This precaution helps to prevent current from passing through your chest, should you receive a shock.
3. Do not wear watches, rings, or other jewlery when working on the bench. These things can short a circuit under test, or can accidentally put you in contact with high voltage.
4. Wear safety goggles when handling or working near a picture tube. A picture tube contains a partial vacuum, and may shatter violently (implode) if scratched, cracked, or dropped. Do not touch a picture tube with any metal tools; you may scratch it.
5. Before picking up a picture tube, short the second anode nipple (on the side of the tube) to the ground frame of the tube. The liner of a picture tube is one plate of a capacitor. The amount of charge stored there can't hurt you, but it might startle you into dropping the tube when you pick it up.
6. Do not operate a TV set with the X-ray shielding removed. A TV set with excessive high voltage can emit X-rays. If the high voltage readings are not within the manufacwrer's specifications, turn the unit off until the cause is discovered.
All Comments

By Queena
at 2008-12-01T05:25
at 2008-12-01T05:25
連接測試儀器工件引线直接地到一個活底盤可能起因于火花陣雨发生的短路! 要使風險減到最小,必须採取以下防備措施:
1. 当与在長凳时的集合一起使用总是使用一條線隔離變壓器。 線隔離變壓器是隔绝從集合的120伏特房子潮流在測試之下的1:1變壓器。
2. 当測試活電路时,总是与一隻手一起使用; 保留另一隻手在您的口袋。 穿與绝緣的鞋底的質量好的鞋子。 如果您接受震動,這項防備措施幫助防止潮流穿过您的胸口。
3. 当工作在長凳时,不要佩帶手錶、圓環,或者其他jewlery。 這些事短缺電路在測試之下或者可能偶然地投入您與高壓聯繫。
4. 当處理或工作在显象管附近时,佩帶安全镜。 显象管包含部份真空,并且也许猛烈地打碎(內裂),如果抓,崩裂或者滴下。 不要接觸與任何金屬工具的一個显象管; 您可以抓它。
5. 在拾起显象管之前,短小第二個陽極乳頭(在管一邊)對管的地面框架。 显象管的劃線員是電容器的一塊板材。 相当数量充電被存放的那裡can' t傷害了您,但是它也許使您震驚入投下管,当您接它时。
6. 不要操作與被取消的X-射線保護的一臺电视机。 與過份高壓的一臺电视机可能散發X-射線。 如果高壓讀書不在manufacwrer'之內; s規格,关闭單位,直到發現起因。

By Iris
at 2008-12-01T03:58
at 2008-12-01T03:58
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